Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Maths and Science teacher forum invitation

If anybody is interested, with reps from AIP RACI and EA, we are running a forum to discuss new QSA Syllabi and other problems facing teachers of maths and science. See below.

If you have a problem then please come along and say what you think.

IF you can't come along then please email Peter Ridd or leave a post on this Blog

Maths, Physics, Chemistry, other Senior Science Teachers
and interested parents

Meeting to discuss new QSA Syllabi and other problems facing teachers of maths and science.

7 pm Tuesday 16 June 2009
Room 201 Maths/Physics Building DB017

Organized by
Prof Peter Ridd, Department of Physics, JCU and AIP

Facilitated by
Prof Richard Keene, Department of Chemistry, JCU and RACI
John Daicopoulos, AIP, Editor of Australian Journal of Physics
Dr Govinda Pandey, Engineers Australia, JCU, and Atlantic Civil

This meeting to be run jointly by representatives of Engineers Australia (EA), the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) and the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) is aimed at providing a forum for discussing ways to improve the delivery of Maths and Science at Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels.

Topics for discussion will include, but not be restricted to.

(1) The new QSA syllabus
(2) Problems with teacher numbers, training and retention
(3) Effects of the lack of university prerequisites on student numbers at high school

EA, RACI and AIP representatives will use the input from the forum to make a representation to the government of suggested improvements to our education system.

If you want to have your opinion heard, please come to the meeting.

Enquiries to Peter Ridd 0747814978 peter.ridd@jcu.edu.au

Teachers from other disciplines are also welcome

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